Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spread the Word

Abduction: A Felony          
            Spread the Word, an anti-alien organization led by a man known only as V2, began as a way to spread awareness about the true nature of the alien entities so eager to contact us.  It’s purpose, as explained by V2, is this: “to counter the blind display by society of an entity which has done nothing to merit our trust or adoration.  The STW campaign acts as a reality check for the individual; its emblem is a call to stop and discern.”
            Many believe these aliens—sometimes called the greys, due to their grayish skin color—to be messengers of God.  This claim is one that needs to be seriously reconsidered.  The behavior of these malevolent space creatures is anything but divine.  Not only have these aliens abducted and tested humans, but they deceive and exploit humanity for their own mysterious purposes.  As V2 points out, “such self-serving species arrogance does not suggest them to be emissaries of a loving source.”
            Spread the Word is a call to action—action against malicious, deceptive alien entities that exploit humanity.  These aliens, the greys and their associates in particular, have committed crimes against mankind so abominable that there can be no doubt of their evil intentions.  They kidnap, rape, implant, and traumatize men, women, and children with no regard for human emotion.  They have been recorded to mutilate animals such as dogs and cattle, impregnate human women, physically assault people, confuse and disorient them, and cause psychotic breakdowns.  Abductees are often heard to say that they felt violated or terrified.
            The emblem of the organization tells people to consider more carefully the true nature of our extraterrestrial visitors.  These stickers are distributed by the organization free of charge and regardless of one’s position on the alien issue.  As V2 explains, “Those who feel the alien presence, or the STW campaign, is a joke will not feel that way for long.”
These aliens are an abomination, but we have the power to discern their true nature.  All we need to do is say “NO” to their deception.  Highly regarded researchers of alien resistance have found evidence that “strength of spirit, faith, and righteous anger” are effective in stopping attempted abductions.
            Anyone wanting to know more about the Spread the Word organization, or desiring to help fight these pernicious entities need only send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to V2, Box 911, Stanwood WA 98292.